
Small Change Can Make a Big Difference

Power of change Program


“变革的力量”项目是由Ravalli电力合作社(REC)合作社成员资助的一个社区外展项目. 会员们的贡献是把每个月的电费凑近到最近的一美元. 收集账单的“零钱”用于资助当地有需要的组织.

改变的力量 Mission

“变革的力量”计划的目标是帮助当地组织和社区解决青年领域未满足的需求, 教育, 公共安全, 健康, community and emergency services to name a few.


All requests must be made by filling out an application. All applications will be considered. 变革力量委员会每季度审查一次请求,并在会上决定和分配资金. PLEASE NOTE: Due to the large amount of donation requests our program receives, applicants may only submit a donation request one time within a 12 month time period.



到目前为止, 全国各地的其他参与合作社的成员仅仅通过允许他们每月的电费被凑整到最近的美元,就向他们的社区回馈了5000多万美元.

参与全国各地的项目所产生的钱以许多不同的方式帮助了社区. 例如, 紧急反应机构已获得资金,用于购买必要的设备,以迅速响应职责召唤. 青年组织, such as Boys and Girls Clubs and 4-H, 是否曾获得资助,使他们能够购买娱乐设备和活动用品. 通过该计划筹集的资金100%将用于支持当地有需要的组织.

的 way it works is quite simple. If a member’s electric bill is $64.17 and the bill is rounded up to $65, then $0.83 would be allocated to the 改变的力量 program. 该项目的运行没有任何成本,而且100%的资金都将返还给拉瓦利县.

的 average yearly donation to 改变的力量 by a participating member is less than $6. At most, a member will donate $11.玛雅吧软件 for the entire year.

All members will be auto enrolled to start the program. 然而,这是一个自愿计划,成员可以随时通过拨打办公室电话选择退出 (406) 961-3001.

A 5 member volunteer board of directors governs the 改变的力量 program. 董事会由REC成员组成,独立于合作社董事会运作. 变革的力量董事会每季度召开一次会议,评估申请并决定哪些组织将获得资金.



应用程序 Deadline: September 16, 2024

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the large amount of donation requests our program receives, applicants may only submit a donation request one time within a 12 month time period.

改变的力量 Donation Recipients

的 following are an example of some of the many donations the program has made:


爱你的汉密尔顿 Recipients

提供代币和洗衣皂,为比特鲁特山谷有需要的无家可归者和低收入家庭提供免费洗衣服务. 爱汉密尔顿洗衣店是一个非营利组织,其使命是为无家可归者和低收入者提供在汉密尔顿的Fast and Fluffy免费洗衣服和床上用品的机会,MT.

顶峰就业中心顶峰就业中心 Recipients

Funds to purchase a new laptop for their Auto/CAD program, and additional computer desks and chairs for their classrooms.  顶峰职业中心是一个非营利组织,其使命是帮助人们找到并开始新的职业,这将有助于提高他们的生活质量. 他们提供免学费的个人和专业培训课程,帮助人们取得成功,实现终身目标和事业.

Linda Massa Youth Home Hamilton

Linda Massa Youth Home Hmailton Recipients

Funds to purchase new mattresses and toppers for the youth beds. 的 staff at the youth home care for children who are facing abuse, 忽视, emotional trauma and substance abuse problems. 的 任务 青年之家的 to help every youth feel safe, have a sense of belonging and find a place to call home.” 


Bitterroot Valley Military Program

Funds to purchase 2 inflatable rafts to teach water safety, 领导, and teamwork with cadets in training. 的 (BVMP) is a veteran staffed program focused on 领导, citizenship through community service, 自律, 健康的生活, drug-free lifestyle while developing physical fitness, and essential life skills.




Total donations to date: $167,427.50

Frequently Asked Questions

How did the program get started?

的 program was started by a small electric co-op in South Carolina in 1989. 把合作公寓成员的电费集中到每一美元,并用这笔钱为社区做点好事. 从那时起, 该项目已被全国260多家电力合作公寓采用,并为合作社区筹集了5000多万美元. REC's Board of Trustees elected to start the charitable giving program in 2019.

How does the program work?

Your monthly electric bill is rounded up to the nearest dollar amount. 所有REC会员将自动加入该计划,并将保持注册状态,直到他们要求从该计划中删除. Members can opt out at any time by calling the office at (406) 961-3001.

“改变的力量”计划旨在产生和收集自愿捐款,用于造福拉瓦利县的组织,以改善我们成员及其社区的生活质量. Monies accumulated will be placed into a trust fund. 接受这些资金的申请将由变革力量委员会完成并审查,届时资金将被分散.

Why is REC automatically enrolling all members?

我们相信我们的会员会希望这个项目在社区中产生尽可能多的积极影响. Based on the experiences of other electric co-ops that participate in a round up program, the best way to have a successful program is to include everyone from the start.

我们已经通过多种沟通渠道完成了一项活动,告知我们的会员这个计划,以及我们为什么要实施它. 在此期间, 会员也被告知,参与是自愿的,任何会员都可以在任何时候拒绝或选择退出该计划.

How is the program governed?

的 program is run by a volunteer committee made up of 5 REC members. 董事会审查申请,并根据《玛雅吧软件》细则的指导方针就批准和资助水平作出决定.

Who can apply for funding?

Any organization within Ravalli County may apply for funding. Based on the program guidelines this includes: non-profits, community-based or volunteer organizations, 教育, 民间组织, and emergency response agencies to name a few.


是的, 我们的合作律师已经审查了“变革力量”项目的章程,并提交了实施该项目的所有文件. 除了, 该计划的所有宣传活动都是通过几个沟通渠道进行的,告知我们的会员该计划,以及他们可以选择参加或选择不参加.